Enrolment Application Form


Personal Details

Please Select Title

Please Select Gender
Please Enter Family Name
Please Enter First Name
Please Enter Middle Name
Please Enter Day
Please Enter Month
Please Enter Year
Please Enter Country of Citizenship
Please Enter Country of Birth
Please Enter Passport Number
Please Fill Up this Field

Please Select One

Please Select One
Please Select One

Please ensure you upload evidence of this test with your application

Please Select One
It must be 10 digits in length and consist of only capital letters and numbers, excluding I, 1, 0 and O

Please Select One

Please Select From the Field

Please Enter - Currently in Australia or Not

Please Select Visa Type
Please Select Arrived Year
Please Enter Month
Please Enter Year
Please Enter Mobile Number
Please Enter Email Address
Overseas Address
This value is required.
This value is required.
This value is required.
This value is required.
This value is required.
Australian address
Maximum character length is 20.
This value is required.
This value is required.
This value is required.
This value is required.
This value is required.
Please Enter Emergency Contact Number
Please Enter Contact Person Name
Please Enter Relationship


Please Select One Option
Please Select Year
Please Enter Name of Secondary School
Please Select Year
Please Enter Highest School Level Completed

Please Select One Option
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select Recognition ID
Please Select at Least One Educational Title



Please Enter Employment Type
Existing Skills & Competencies


Please Select a Radio Option

Please indicate the areas

Please Fill Up Details Field

Please Check The Checkbox

Please Enter Agency Name

Please Enter Counsellor Name

Please Enter Counsellor Email

Documents Checklist

Upload your documents for checking (we accept certified or verified true copies)
Enter Certified copy of your passport
Enter Proof of English language ability
Off-Shore Student
Off-Shore Student
This radio field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required

*This includes tuition fees, travel costs, living costs as outlined on the DIBP website: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Stud/More/Student-Visa-Living-Costs-and-Evidence-of-Funds

Course Details

Please choose your course location
Please Choose your Course
Please Choose your Course Intake Date
Please choose your study reason

We will send you an RPL /CT application form and supporting information within 48 hours.

Please Choose your Course
Please Choose your Course Intake Date

Please Choose your Course
Please Choose your Course Intake Date

Please Choose your Course
Please Choose your Course Intake Date
The comment field is required.



In signing the Laneway Education enrolment application form, I declare that:

  • The information provided by me in this application form is true and correct.
  • I have sufficient financial capacity to meet all of my course tuition fees including other related fees and agree to pay all fees as they become due.
  • I have read and understand the course and fee information on the Laneway Education website http://www.laneway.edu.au and in the course information brochure.
  • I understand that Australian law requires student visa holders to notify their Education Provider of any change of contact details including up to date contact number and address details within 7 days.
  • I understand that it is compulsory to be covered by Overseas Student Health Cover while I am on a student Visa.
  • I understand that I am not eligible to transfer to another registered provider without approval from Laneway Education and until I have completed 6 months of my principal course of study as per the Learner Transfer Policy and Procedure.
  • I understand that continuation in the course/s is dependent upon satisfactory academic progress. Failure to meet these conditions will result in my case being reported by Laneway Education to the Department of Home Affairs (formerly Department of Immigration and Border Protection).
  • I grant permission to Laneway Education to use my personal images and any course work produced during my studies. Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission or otherwise use of photographs, images and/or videos taken for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as Brochures, Newsletters, Videos and digital images used on Laneway's Website and Social Media Pages, such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • I acknowledge that information about the ESOS Framework can be found at https://internationaleducation.gov.au/Regulatory-
    It is important for international students to understand the ESOS Framework. The Education Services for Overseas Student Act (ESOS) and regulations set out the legal framework governing delivery of education to overseas students studying in Australia on a student visa.
  • I understand that information collected about me may be shared between the registered provider and the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Protection Services (TPS). This information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any suspected breach by the student of a student visa condition. In other instances, information collected on this form can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.
  • I acknowledge that Laneway Education is committed to protecting an individual's right to privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.
  • I acknowledge that Laneway Education reserves the right to alter any course, subject, admissions requirement or fee without notice.
  • I have read and understand Laneway Education’s Management of Tuition Fees Policy and Procedure found at http://www.laneway.edu.au/policies
  • I am aware that Laneway Education only accept students with a minimum age of 18 years at course commencement.
  • If I instruct an agent or any authorised third party to complete this application form on my behalf, I do so on the basis that the agent or authorised third party is acting for me and it remains my responsibility to read the terms and conditions of the enrolment as outlined in any letter of offer I may receive.
  • I authorise Laneway Education to verify the authenticity of my academic/professional qualifications and my work experience.
  • I understand Laneway Education may inform other organisations or regulatory agencies if any of the information provided in my application is not true or accurate. Laneway Education reserves the rights to refuse or cancel any offer of enrolment if the information provided in this form is not true or accurate.
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